By Jeremi Gancett, Project Coordinator for Space Application Services

One year in, DexROV is well on track, and partners have already successfully achieved the first milestones of the project. These include the specification of the system architecture and interfaces (WP2), the deployment of the main control centre infrastructures (WP6), the initial release of the simulation environment to support testing and integration (WP8), and the release of videos to introduce and explain the project (WP9). Project dissemination has also been very active – 10 conference papers and 1 journal article in 2015, and 4 conference papers and 2 journal articles are already secured for 2016.
The project is now entering a very important phase: the first testing and integration steps to verify the configuration of DexROV’s subsystems and their interfaces. This is essential to ensure the seamless integration of partners’ respective contributions in the later phases. The first testing activities will culminate with the first network tests joining the Brussels control centre to the Marseille test point and the Janus II. These dry trials will take place in June 2016. Before testing begins, a brand new Omniaccess satellite dish will be installed on the Comex vessel Janus II’s deck.

This October, the project has its first formal review with European Commission representatives and external experts. The event will bring partners together again in Brussels and offer more valuable evaluations of the progress of the project.
The second year of the DexROV project will see project partners continue to develop, integrate, and advertise the essential components and capabilities of DexROV as well as wet trials in June 2017 and the final demonstration campaign in June 2018.